Daily Devotion (February 14, 2025)
Lamentations 3:22-24Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,Because His compassions fail not.23 They are new every morning;Great is Your faithfulness.24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,“Therefore I hope in Him!”
God’s love and faithfulness never ends. We go through difficult times in life, but we do not have to face them alone. God’s presence and love is with us constantly. Each day brings new opportunities to experience the great mercies of God.We are reminded to trust in God. The trust is not just lip service. It is knowing and depending totally in God and not our own wisdom and understanding.
When we surrender our plans to God’s guidance, he will lead us down the right path. It may sound too simplistic, but it is knowing God is God and He is the GPS of our lives. He knows the plan He has for us. He knows what lies ahead for us in life. We should set aside time each day to talk to God. He already knows what is happening in our lives and wants to guide us down the path He has prepared for us.
God wants us to trust Him. Prayer helps us to build a personal relationship with Him. We need to read the Bible. We read how God has worked throughout history. We learn the faithfulness of God. We worship God in private and public. We should worship God in the singing of hymns in praising Him. We are to surround ourselves with fellow believers who will support and encourage us in our journey of faith. We join together in worship services, Bible study groups and fellowship. We share our testimonies with one another and discover how God has faithfully walked with others and protected, led, and engaged them in difficult times in life.
We learn of God’s unfailing love by allowing God to come into our lives and leading us each step of the way. As Jeremiah writes in verse 24 our hope is in God.