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June 21, 2023

Philippians 1:21 (NKJV) — 21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

How we live our lives is our witness to the world of our belief in Christ. Paul knew others were watching him. He had those who followed him and those who opposed him. Paul’s focus was Christ. All Christians preach Christ by how they live their lives. Our sincerity in the Christian life is not played out in church but in the public square.

Paul lived his life for Christ. He wanted to see people saved. Some preached from jealousy, or self-gain. Their focus was on selfish ambition.

Paul knew life in the now was only a microscopic speck in comparison to eternity. He also knew God had a purpose for his life in the flesh. He did not live for money, possessions, fame, or power. He lived his life for Christ. Paul did not live for the comfort of this world. (I wonder how his life fits into the theology of today’s prosperity gospel?)

Paul lived his life for Christ knowing everything in this world would pass away. His focus was Jesus.

I ask myself, Do others see Jesus in me? Am I truly living my life for Christ? Have I given my everything to Jesus? Am I willing to be a martyr for Christ, or do I do what I do to be seen by others?

The song “Let Others See Jesus in You” keeps going through my thoughts this morning.

1 While passing through this world of sin, And others your life shall view, Be clean and pure without, within, Let others see Jesus in you.

2 Your life’s a book before their eyes, They’re reading it through and through; Say, does it point them to the skies, Do others see Jesus in you?

3 What joy ’twill be at set of sun, In mansions beyond the blue, To find some souls that you have won; Let others see Jesus in you.

4 Then live for Christ both day and night, Be faithful, be brave, and true, and lead the lost to life and light; Let others see Jesus in you.

[Chorus] Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you; Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.