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December 8, 2023

Revelation 3:10–11 (NKJV) — 10 Because you have kept My command to
persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon
the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am
coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.
A promise to hold on to. Jesus is coming! The Great Tribulation will happen.
The great promise of Christ is all true believers, will be taken out of the
world prior to the Great Tribulation.
A false belief or just an intellectual belief will not keep you from experiencing
the Great Tribulation. Only those who have truly accepted Christ and are
faithful to His calling in their lives will escape the Great Tribulation.
We may fool people, but God is not fooled. We may be hard workers in the
church and not be followers of Christ.
Only those who hold fast will be kept from the “hour of trial.”
Jesus is coming. The lyrics to the old song sang many years ago profess this
great truth of the Bible.
Verse 1: Marvelous message we bring Glorious carol we sing Wonderful word
of the King Jesus is coming again
Verse 2: Forest and flower exclaim Mountain and meadow the same All earth
and heaven proclaim Jesus is coming again
Verse 3: Standing before Him at last Trial and trouble all past Crowns at His
feet we will cast Jesus is coming again
Chorus 1
Coming again coming again Maybe morning maybe noon Maybe evening and
maybe soon Coming again coming again Oh what a wonderful day it will be
Jesus is coming again
For the true follower, believer in Christ what a glorious day it will be. For the
faux believer, the lost it will be a day of horror.
Do you honestly and truly know Christ as your personal Savior?