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January 11, 2024

Matthew 19:23 (NKJV) — 23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I
say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus is not saying it is impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
Heaven. What is wealth? Maybe the important question is what is it that
keeps a person from entering Heaven.
What is it that keeps a person from placing trust in God? Many are willing to
trust more in things than God. Many trusts in themselves rather than God.
Wealth does not have to be money. Wealth can take different forms,
intellectual, social , and emotional.
Intellectual wealth is the knowledge, skills, and expertise that individuals
*Education is important. But we can put education above God and trust
in the lessons taught in schools and textbooks. (I’m keeping this
simple so the educated can understand.) We have a tendency to place
education ahead of God.
* Social wealth is found in who we know. There is nothing wrong with
knowing people or being involved with others, but when we put that
ahead of God? Some put more importance in trusting people more
than God.
* Emotional wealth is not just being happy, it is about resilience,
empathy, and inner strength. Again there is nothing wrong with
emotional wealth.
There is nothing wrong with any of these. The problem has to do with, are
any of these being put ahead of God.
Anything that pulls us away from God is sin. If we place our trust in wealth,
then we are not trusting God. George Mueller was a man who trusted God.
In need he prayed. In planning he prayed. In the orphanage he ran, he
prayed. He knew God would supply his need. Mueller believed so much in
the power of prayer, the power of the One he prayed to that when there was
a seemingly impossible need he did not tell others he told God and God
Is it possible that the style of worship is put ahead of God? Is pride in our
faith or relationship with God keeping us from Him? Is it possible for our
faith or “pseudo faith” keeping us from God?