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January 2, 2024

Matthew 16:24 (NKJV) — 24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone
desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow Me.
There is no partial acceptance of Christ in a person’s life. It is either all or
Jesus in coming to us in the form of a man came giving His all in His birth,
life, and death. The God Man lived among His creation. He walked among His
creation. He loved His creation. He not only was born and walked and loved
His creation He died for His creation.
Jesus suffered and died for the redemption of those He loved. (For God so
loved THE WORLD.) He calls for us to do no less. If we are followers of
Christ. If we are truly believers in Christ. Then we are called to give God our
all, to give Him our best.
Matthew records Luke’s account of Jesus words. To be a disciple of God we
MUST be willing to give our all to Him. When one enlists in the military, he
pledges allegiance to not only to the branch of service he is joining, but also
to the United States of America and the Constitution. When one joins the
military he is making a total commitment. He does not just join and then sit
back waiting to go into battle. Immediately he is thrust into service through
Christians must be aware when we accepted Christ, we join God’s army. We
made a commitment. We are thrust immediately into service and are to be
trained to accomplish God’s plan and purpose for our lives. We wear the
uniform of Christ. Our lives change immediately for eternity.
There are many spiritual bases one can be a part of. They are command
posts where God places us to prepare for service and to serve Him. They are
called churches. The church prepares and teaches God’s recruits, His
disciples: to pray, to worship, to be disciples (learners), to evangelize, and to
Fellowship with other disciples and minister to each other.
Many have fallen away from the fellowship of the church. Many do not
believe they need the church. Many do not understand the commitment
made to God when they professed with their mouth the acceptance of Jesus.
Our commitment to God is far greater than our commitment to any military
or nation. Our commitment to God is an eternal commitment.