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January 29, 2025

Daily Devotion (January 29, 2025)

John 4:4 “But He (Jesus) needed to go through Samaria.”

Short devotion this morning. Jesus chose to go through Samaria. Why? The Scripture tells us He needed to go through Samaria. Samaria was the shortest way to go, but Jews hated the Samaritans and chose to go the longer way. Jesus was called by His Father (God) to reach out to all people with the Word of God, with the love of God.

We may not always understand God’s calling in our lives. We may not understand the path God has called us to. But even the most hated way to go in life is important to follow because God has called us to go. God calls us out of our comfort zones. God calls us to do the impossible. God calls us to walk down the challenging paths in life.

Because Jesus Chose to go through Samaria, He was able to have the most important conversation with the Samaritan woman she would ever have. Because Jesus was willing to break with the way of the Jews of His day not only was the Samaritan woman saved but she also became an evangelist of God to her people.

Has God ever called you to go in a direction you never expected to go?