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January 8, 2024

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old
he will not depart from it.”
We were taught this verse as a promise to good parents that spiritual
nurture ultimately would assure their children to live godly lives. As
important as this verse is, it is not an assurance our children will live godly
What is the way of a child? God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Godly
parents teach their children about God and help lead their children down the
path God has planned for them.
The United States of America is a fallen nation. We as a nation have not
educated our children in the ways of God. We have focused on bringing
material success to our children. We leave the spiritual education of our
children to the church but never bring our children to the church to be
Spiritual education begins in the home. But how can it begin in the home if
the parents do not know God? Deuteronomy 6:6–7 tells us it is the
responsibility of the parents to teach the children about God. “And these
words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach
them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your
house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise
up.” The church is to be a support in helping parents to teach their children.
Educating our children about God is the responsibility of the parent. The
church should be included in the educational process. I’ve heard some
parents say they want their children to make their own choice about
accepting God in their lives; they will. If the parent is not teaching them, is
not leading them to know about God, then there is no choice to make. The
children will go the way of the world.
Jesus said in Matthew 18:6, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who
believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung
around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Not teaching our children about God is leading them to follow the way of the
world. Romans 10:14, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have
not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not
heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”