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January 9, 2023

(I write this in the darkness of a storm brewing outside. I am so thankful for
a portable generator that allows me to read the Word of Christ and write my
thoughts about His Word.)
Philippians 1:12 (NKJV) — 12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the
things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of
the gospel,
Not all things that happen in a Christians life is good. Whether good or bad
we must realize God can use our circumstances to let others see Jesus in us.
No matter the circumstances Paul faced he shared the gospel of Christ. Most
of us will never face the persecution Paul endured. But, what we go through
in life is real to us.
In today’s world it is possible for Christians to face persecution. Religious
wars are being fought throughout the world. In a growing secular USA, more
persecution of followers of Christ can be expected. We must follow Jesus.
How did Paul handle the persecution he went through. He did not grumble or
complain. He did not question God and wonder why. He did not cry and
murmur about his circumstances. He did not curse God or GIVE UP HIS
Paul used his dark circumstances to share his faith in God. Paul saw himself
as a prisoner for Jesus Christ. Paul was bound in chains…therefore he spoke
of himself as one bound in chains (Acts 28:20). So no matter our
circumstance, whether rich or poor, persecuted or not, we are to preach
Jesus. The lesson for us is this: we must never let circumstances get us
down—never let them defeat our testimony and witness for Christ, no matter
what they are.
I pray the church will wake up and Christians will allow God to use them to
bring our nation back to Him. But whether this happens or not we, the
believers and followers of Christ, are to continue to advance the Gospel of