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Kid’s Ministry


For ages pre-K- grade 6. We meet every Wednesday at 7:00pm- 7:50 pm following Wednesday Night Supper at 6:00pm. TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. That’s why TeamKID ends with KID. KID stands for Kids in Discipleship! All parts of TeamKID — Bible stories, Scripture memory, mission activities, life application, and recreation games — connect to teach life lessons to kids. 

We are currently using TeamKID: Follow Through –
Which leads preschoolers and kids to answer questions about loving their neighbor, being part of a faith community, and living on mission for Jesus.

Sunday School

Classes start at 9:30am.

Pre-K is with Ms. Barbara Pennington
Grades 1-3 are with Ms. Kathy Hartman, Grades 4-6 are with Ms. Amy Synoground
Youth grades 7-12 are with Paul Synoground.

Children’s Church

We provide Children’s Church for our children in pre-k through grade 2. Every Sunday in Church we have a Children’s Sermon where the children come to front and listen to a Bible Story. They then go to a classroom down the hall for snacks and video and activities to reinforce the bible story. We use The Gospel Project Kids Worship Hour and have currently (2022) started the new series which starts in Genesis-In the Beginning and takes the children through the old and new testament stories in a 2-year cycle.