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March 29, 2023

1 Corinthians 15:58 (NKJV)
5 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in
the Lord.

Be steadfast in the work of God. The greatest calling of any person is the
calling of God. The followers of Christ have the hope of Christ living in them.
Christians are to be unmovable in the work, the calling of Christ. There are
many things happening in our lives. There are many opportunities the world
offers. There is a plethora of strings pulling us in one direction or another.
There is only one calling that is fulfilling and eternal. That is the calling of
God. We are to be steadfast in the work, the calling of God.
We tend to seek those things that bring us the greatest pleasure. We are to
be unmovable in the calling of God. The pleasure of this world is temporary.
We are not to be inconsistent in our work for God. What God has called us to
is the most important calling. His calling in our lives brings hope that is not
temporary it is eternal.
We must see beyond the grave. Each person born into this world will one day
die. Death is not the end. True followers of Christ understand there is an
eternal life waiting for each person. Physical death is a transition from this
present life to eternal life. The place and quality of eternal life is dependent
on what a person does in this life. The greatest decision a person will make
is not written on a calendar but upon the heart.
The follower of Christ must be unmovable in the conviction of Christ in this
life. Look at all who are unmovable in their convictions for Satan. If a person
is a true follower of Christ then that person is standing on the solid rock of
Christ. The world needs Christians who are unmovable in their convictions;
those who truly are convicted Christ is the only way to eternal life and to live
a truly spirit filled life in the now.
We are to abound in the work of the Lord. We are to never cease, never
stop, never slacken up or let go of the work of the Lord. We are to keep on
keeping on. Our reward in this life is knowing God has used us to not only
lead others to eternal life but to a greater life in the here and now. But there
are rewards awaiting us in Heaven.
The labor of the Christian is not in vain. The reward is knowing we have
helped others come to know Christ and they will be in Heaven with us.