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May 16, 2023

Proverbs 3:5–6 (NKJV) — 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Psalm 31:5 (NKJV) — 5 Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.

Trust God!

To tell people to trust God are easy words coming out of the mouth. We have been told by others and read in the Bible we are to “Trust God.” The two words are so simple to say. Living out those two words is not always so simple. We live in a world of unexpected events and consequences. Others say, “Trust God” and we ask, how?

I climbed the 100-foot ladder. I was told it would hold me. With fear and trembling I slowly made my way to the top. I witnessed others ahead of me climb the ladder and come down. That was great! Now, it was my turn. I had no choice but to climb it one rung at a time. I had been instructed, given the gear needed, and witnessed others successfully move to the top and come down. Now it was my turn. I had to trust the ladder was going to hold me, I had to trust the instructor had given me the correct information. There were a lot of ifs going through my mind. I knew what to expect. I was confident that I was terrified. I also knew I had to do it or face the consequences.

Slowly, clinging to each rung of the ladder as if my life depended on it I made it to the top and now I could go down. Before I could there was one last thing I had to do. I had to fasten my safety harness to the ladder and then let go of the rung I was so faithfully holding on to and then lean backward. I had witnessed others do the same thing. I knew in my head I could do this. Have you ever noticed 100 feet on a horizontal plain does not seem so long? But, on a vertical plain it is eternally long.

When I made it back down the instructor told me to do it again.

Why the story. Trusting God is easy when you tell others to trust Him. But when it comes to us trusting Him it may not always be so easy. This is why God has given us the Bible, His Word to lead, guide, and direct us. Many have gone before us, we have at times made the journey up the ladder and succeeded, and now God says to us, “Do it again.”

The following are just a few verses found in the Bible about trusting God.

God knows what will happen next (Proverbs 3;5-6)

Jesus never changes (Hebrews 13:8)

Do not fear bad news (Psalm 112:7)

God is our source of courage (Joshua 1:9) (I love this verse)

Commit your life to God (Psalm 37:5)

Know God is with you (Isaiah 41:10)

God is our safe place (Psalm 62:8)

Jesus assures us in troubled times (John 14:1)

Trust in God, not in things (Psalm 20:7)

Keep your focus on God (Isaiah 26:3-4)

When you are afraid, turn to God (Psalm 56:3)

Trust God, not people (Psalm 118:8)