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Antioch Baptist Church

Music Ministry

We are so blessed to have Betty Jones as our Music Minister and Pianist here at Antioch.

She is a native of Ridgeland, Mississippi.  She received her Bachelors of Music from Belhaven University, a Christian university in Jackson, Mississippi; and she has her Master’s of Music Education from Columbus State University. Betty is a retired music teacher of 35 years. She has also served in several different churches in Georgia and Mississippi as choir director and pianist.

At Antioch, Betty has served as pianist since August 2007 and choir director since January 2009.

We currently have an adult choir at Antioch. During the year, we sing praise music, traditional Christian music, and southern gospel. We also do special music during Easter and Christmas. The Adult choir works with Betty for presenting the Gospel in our Christmas Cantatas and in the past, we have also had several Children’s Christmas Cantatas and plays. Betty does an outstanding job in teaching parts for soprano, alto, tenor and bass.

“My belief is that the choir and the music chosen should be worshipful to our Lord and should enhance the whole church service. I think the music in the worship service should prepare the congregation to lead into the sermon and open our hearts to the message from the Bible presented by our pastor and our Lord God.”   ~ Betty Jones

It is our prayerful desire to grow our choir and bring back our children’s choir.

If you have questions about our music program and ministry please don’t hesitate to ask Betty.