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November 21, 2023

Ephesians 5:1–2 (NKJV) — 1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.
2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an
offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
There was a time you entered Ft. Benning, now named Ft. Moore you saw a
statue called “Follow Me”. It now stands at the entrance of the National
Infantry Museum. Entering Ft. Benning with my father I saw that statue. To
me it was a great tribute to the soldiers who led the way and fought for
freedom. Over the years we have witnessed great men and women wear the
uniform of the military and fight for our freedom. They fought for the
Constitution of the United State of America and to defend and protect the
national interest of this great nation. The military wear their uniforms with
great pride and dignity.
Today we still have those fighting for freedom. It is not a physical war, but a
spiritual war. The consequences of this war are much greater. No one is
forced into this service. It is an individual choice made by each one who
becomes a member of the Army of God. Just as the military wears a uniform
distinguishing the military personnel Christian wear a uniform. It is not
necessarily seen with the physical eye but through the spiritual eye.
The Christian is seen by his walk. The believer,a follower of Christ, has made a
commitment to God. The commitment is an oath, a vow to God and not
man. The oath is an eternal oath. The commitment says the follower of
Christ promises to devote his life to God. The follower of Christ has
surrendered and devoted his life to God and be equipped to use his life in
whatever God commands him to do.
Peoples lives depend on the soldier doing the job he or she has been trained
to do. My fathers specialty was electronics. I went to the base on many
Saturdays with him and witnessed his working on tanks and helicopters and
various other equipment. I did not realize at the time but how well he did his
job had consequences in the lives of those who depended upon him.
I thank God for our military. Those serving in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy,
Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard have made a commitment to defend
this nation, even to the point of death. As Christians, we have made a
commitment to a higher calling. It is a commitment to God. It is more than
going to Heaven when we die. These are a few words to describe this
commitment: attachment, devotion, allegiance, and LOVE.

We surrender and devote our lives to God. Unless we are willing to do these
two things we will never be a true follower after God. We are to imitate God
and love as God loves.