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October 21, 2023

Romans 10:13–14 (NKJV)
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And
how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall
they hear without a preacher?

People need the Lord. People need to hear the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.
How do they hear? If those who do not hear the Word of God how can they
be saved? We can invite them to church. What if they do not come to
church? Can the church come to them? Yes absolutely, it can! Each time a
Christian goes into the world a preacher of the Gospel goes out into the
world. We are God’s preacher, an evangelist proclaiming the Word of God!
We proclaim God through our lifestyle. We proclaim God through our words.
Paul writes in Romans 10:14–15, “How then shall they call on Him in whom
they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they
have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How
beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring
glad tidings of good things!’”
Today choose to be a preacher; a proclaimer of the Gospel The Good News
of Jesus Christ to the world.