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October 29, 2024

Daily Devotion (October 29, 2024)
Philippians 3:10 (NKJV)
10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,
How much do you really want to know Christ? There was passion in Paul’s words. To know was more than cognitive knowledge. There was an emotional passionate knowledge. Knowing Christ was more than just words. But Paul’s knowledge of Christ was more than just emotions. There was an experiential knowledge of Christ. Paul had experienced Christ on the Road to Damascus. His life changed. We may not have a Damascus Road experience, but we encounter Christ at salvation. That encounter is personal and moving in our lives. At that encounter our lives change. We move from death to life. Do you know Christ and the power of His resurrection?
What is important to you? The apostle Paul wanted to know Christ! Paul sought out the righteousness of Christ. The righteousness and perfection of Christ was Paul’s number one goal in his life. Paul knew he could never become perfect. He still came short, and he was still doomed to face death. Paul knew there was only one hope for living forever. That was through the righteousness and perfection of Jesus Christ. He knew he had to trust Jesus. His heart and life had to be focused on Jesus. He had to trust Jesus.
Paul gave Jesus every ounce of his being…his life. He knew he was not perfect, but he pressed on (Philippians 7:11). (He put his failures behind him and reached forward to those things which are ahead. Vs.13) Paul had to trust Christ. He had to focus his heart and life upon Jesus Christ.
Paul under persecution did not stop living for Christ. He never gave up. He never quit. He pressed on to lay hold to that which Christ Jesus laid hold on him!
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28–29 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
God has a plan and purpose for every person, and church. We need to press forward not just being but in doing what God has called us to. We do this by holding onto and trusting in Christ.